Breaking Par | Presented by whoop
Golf's Famous Last Words: 'I Think I Figured It Out' | Breaking Par
Breaking par for the first time requires a little help from someone who's done it a time or two. Elite amateur and standout collegiate golfer Michael Thorbjornsen plays a round with Connor to get him closer to his goal, presented by WHOOP. Highlighting golf's fun, human, and humorous side. Golf is no longer just the stuffy world of middle-aged country club members. Skratch brings you golf content for a new generation. From getting the most exotic tee times on Earth (see: Adventures in Golf) to digging into the game's interesting personalities (see: Skratching the Surface, Finding the Fairway), Skratch showcases a side of golf many would never get to see.
Directing by Duplex Deli
Cinematography by WRKSHRT
Post Production by Duplex Deli
Blissful Golf Round ➡️ STRESSFUL Golf Round | Breaking Par
Will a promising practice round give Connor the confidence he needs to finally break par? The quest continues, presented by WHOOP. Highlighting golf's fun, human, and humorous side. Golf is no longer just the stuffy world of middle-aged country club members. Skratch brings you golf content for a new generation. From getting the most exotic tee times on Earth (see: Adventures in Golf) to digging into the game's interesting personalities (see: Skratching the Surface, Finding the Fairway), Skratch showcases a side of golf many would never get to see.
Directing by Duplex Deli
Cinematography by WRKSHRT
Post Production by Duplex Deli
Amateur Golf's Holy Grail | Breaking Par
Connor's last official attempt of the season to break par is here, and he's never been more dialed in his life. See where the final round falls, presented by WHOOP. Highlighting golf's fun, human, and humorous side. Golf is no longer just the stuffy world of middle-aged country club members. Skratch brings you golf content for a new generation. From getting the most exotic tee times on Earth (see: Adventures in Golf) to digging into the game's interesting personalities (see: Skratching the Surface, Finding the Fairway), Skratch showcases a side of golf many would never get to see.
Directing by Duplex Deli
Cinematography by WRKSHRT
Post Production by Duplex Deli
Eastside Stories | Presented by BMW
Is This the Most Unique Logo in Golf? | Eastside Stories
Founders Olajuwon Ajanaku and Earl Cooper aim to get youth and non-golfers interested in the game they've loved since childhood through their fashion and lifestyle brand. We met up with the guys in East Atlanta, which is the main inspiration for the brand and where Olajuwon grew up, to learn more about how Eastside Golf came to be and why its popularity shows no sign of slowing down. This is the first installment of Eastside Stories, presented by BMW.
Director: Dan Bradley
Cinematography: WRKSHRT
The Hole in the Fence on 7 | Eastside Stories
From caddying at 12 to working in the mayor's office and cofounder of an emerging golf brand, Earl Cooper's drive for greatness shows no signs of slowing down. We ride around Delaware with the Eastside Golf cofounder, presented by BMW. To keep a young Earl from hauling his bag a mile to a course to practice, his dad hooked him up with a sweet little shortcut.... Allegedly. That hole in the fence at No. 7 was probably there the whole time.
Director: Dan Bradley
Cinematography: WRKSHRT
Finau's Got His Eye On These Eastside Shoes | Eastside Stories
It's not time to reflect on how far Eastside Golf has come in the industry in a short few years, but founders Olajuwon Ajanaku and Earl Cooper can't help but recognize their accomplishments and be excited for the brand's future. Earl and Olajuwon put their hard work on display at the 2021 BMW Championship at Caves Valley Golf Club in Maryland, and briefly catch up with Tony Finau and Cameron Champ during the pro-am on this edition of Eastside Stories, presented by BMW.
Director: Dan Bradley
Cinematography: WRKSHRT
Eastside's Goal to Bridge the Gap in Golf | Eastside Stories
It's been a year since we first met Olajuwon Ajanaku and Earl A. Cooper, the founders of Eastside Golf. Since then, the pair have taken the clothing/lifestyle golf brand to exciting new heights with an impressive list of actors and athletes sporting their gear both on and off the course. But now, the mission of Eastside has evolved beyond selling clothes. It's become a driving force to get more minorities into golf's highest level, and Olajuwon and Earl are determined to see it happen sooner than later. In this Part 1 of 3 of Eastside Stories, sponsored by BMW, we hear what the guys have been up to and find out what they're focused on moving forward. They also tee it up with APGA pros Wyatt Worthington II and Nick Wade at TPC Sugarloaf. Highlighting golf's fun, human, and humorous side. Golf is no longer just the stuffy world of middle-aged country club members. Skratch brings you golf content for a new generation. From getting the most exotic tee times on Earth (see: Adventures in Golf) to digging into the game's interesting personalities (see: Skratching the Surface, Finding the Fairway), Skratch showcases a side of golf many would never get to see.
Director: Dan Bradley
Cinematography: WRKSHRT
Teaching First-Timers the Language of Golf | Eastside Stories
How are the founders behind Eastside Golf planting the seed for the future of golf? Olajuwon Ajanaku and Earl Cooper are putting clubs in hands and showing first-timers the ropes in-person via clinics, as we capture on this Eastside Stories, presented by BMW. Olajuwon and Earl's mission in getting as many people into golf as possible, and learning the language of golf is a crucial first step for these first-timers. In return, the guys hope to set a foundation for a life-long love of the game that's been so fulfilling for them.
Director: Dan Bradley
Cinematography: WRKSHRT
Heartwarming Homecoming for Eastside Golf Founder at a PGA TOUR Event | Eastside Stories
Forever loyal to his soil. Co-founder Earl Cooper is in awe seeing Eastside Golf on display at the BMW Championship in his hometown of Wilmington, along with all of his childhood family and friends. Earl Cooper and Olajuwon soak it all in on this Eastside Stories, presented by BMW.
Director: Dan Bradley
Cinematography: WRKSHRT